
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

chilli thasting

 today me and the class are going to tasting chillies Store-cupboard heroes: 4 ways with chillies | Features | Jamie Olivermmmm

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

my holiday

This is about my holiday. On my holiday I was playing with my friends. Sometimes I watched movies too. After I watched a movie I went to the park to take my dog for a walk so we can get some excercise. Then after we had done that iIwent to my friend Tobys and played roblox with him and his litte brother. Then after we went to Wycola dairy to get loillies and that was my holiday.
The 10 Best Roblox Games to play in 2021 | Action, Anime, Horror, and more  | VG247

why fireworks should not be band

Brainstorm About fireworks Angianst They are used for celebrations They are colorful They are entertaining for most people They are Tradition They are used for new years eve They can be used for your birthday (some times) Brainstorm for 1.They are loud and an annoying if you are trying to sleep 2. They can frighten the animals and maybe death 3. They can make it so you can't hear at all. 4. They can be a fire hazard. 5. They can be a waste of money. 6. Opening statement Who here likes fireworks? If you do, it's your lucky day today. I am going to be telling you about why fireworks should not be banned in New zealand. Purpose to convince people that fireworks should not be banned in nz. Main body. Fireworks are used for really big events Some people use fireworks for celebrations like new years eve. Caleb's opinion I like them because they are colorful and you can make flags, words, etc. Cables writing: Today I am going to talk about how I can see the fireworks from the house to my neighbors house . They are very nice looking and very loud. Why is my dog barking at the fireworks? 4

Friday, October 1, 2021

Learning Story Template


Hurumanu: 1

Module: math

Name: caleb

Teacher: Ds

Term: 3



Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.

What We Did: 

  •   Patterns, shapes and adding.

  • Skipping numbers.

What I Learned: 

  • Patterns are go for adding numbers together 

My Favourite Parts:

  • Learning

  • Learning to skip some numbers

  • You teaching me 

My Next Steps:

  • I want to do my divided bys

CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.


Learning ready and focus on the learing







Thursday, September 30, 2021

henry Sunderland

 Since leaving school a number of years ago, Henry has been involved in a number of creative industries and life experiences. They include working as a carpet designer, an artisan in the stain glass and sandblasting industry and a gnome maker. After graduating from Wellington Design School he worked as an interior designer for Sydney Hotels . He traveled, becoming a mess cook in Antarctica and then a graphic designer and cartoonist in London. Henry has worked as a Children's presenter with TVNZ and has illustrated a number of children's books with his twin brother. Henry became involved in art education at a secondary level in the late 1980s before joining Ara in 2002. He freelances as a cartoonist, creative adviser and guest speaker on creativity.

  • Henry is a creative thinker and artist with a predilection for the ironic and kitsch, whose projects and ideas have helped inspire thousands of young and old since 1976, engaging the community, bringing the child out of the adult and art to the streets.
  • With a ready wit, acerbic social conscience and developed communication skills, Henry is adept in using fun to make a serious point.
  • He has been highly successful in influencing community and world leaders, engaging national and international media as a means to encourage thoughts for the community, and awareness of much-needed environmental concerns.
  • Graduate Diploma in Design
  • Bachelor of Design- Visual Communication
  • Diploma of Secondary teaching
  • Diploma of Visual Design
  • Certificate in Adult Teaching
  • Kidsfest Charitable Trust Livs Life in Vacant Spaces Charitable trust
    • 2012 Christchurch City Earthquake Civic Award
    • 2009 Teaching in Excellence Award
    • 1999 Christchurch City Civic Award
    • 1977 At the geographic South pole with the first Garden Gnome to reach the poleNew home wanted for cheerful art car |'s no business like gnome business - PressReaderJonathan Lantz Photography: End of Year Project-2007

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

litmus experiament


1. red litmus paper

2. blue limus paper

3. sodium hydeoxide

4. hydeoxide acid

5. pipette

6. 4 test tubes


1. rip both litmus paper and put all 4 in the 4 test tubes

2.add 3 drops of hydeoxide acid in the 2 of the test tubes (the blue paper)

3.add 3 drop of sodium hydeoxide to the other 2 test tubes (the red paper)

Thursday, September 16, 2021


 what is a acid?

what are 3 exsamples of an acid?

1.lemons/ciric acid

1.vinagar/acetic acid 

batteries/sulfuric acid

what is the most famous indicator?

what dose pH stand for?

how many numbers are there on the pH scale?


1. red cabbage


3.bunsen burner


5.sodium hydrophobic

6.hydrophobic acid

7.test tubes

8.paper towels

9.test rack


11.vinager =pH12

12.dishwashing powder = pH12

13.toilet cleaner =pH11