
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

why fireworks should not be band

Brainstorm About fireworks Angianst They are used for celebrations They are colorful They are entertaining for most people They are Tradition They are used for new years eve They can be used for your birthday (some times) Brainstorm for 1.They are loud and an annoying if you are trying to sleep 2. They can frighten the animals and maybe death 3. They can make it so you can't hear at all. 4. They can be a fire hazard. 5. They can be a waste of money. 6. Opening statement Who here likes fireworks? If you do, it's your lucky day today. I am going to be telling you about why fireworks should not be banned in New zealand. Purpose to convince people that fireworks should not be banned in nz. Main body. Fireworks are used for really big events Some people use fireworks for celebrations like new years eve. Caleb's opinion I like them because they are colorful and you can make flags, words, etc. Cables writing: Today I am going to talk about how I can see the fireworks from the house to my neighbors house . They are very nice looking and very loud. Why is my dog barking at the fireworks? 4

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