
Friday, February 19, 2021


 What was Socrates' big idea? 

People do not know how /why they have certain thoughts and feelings. Ask ourselves why?

How can this idea help you?

 It can stop you from acting straight away to something that is said or done that you disagree with. Reacting immediately can cause the problem to become larger and it goes on longer. An example of this is if someone tells you off about something that you don’t think was your fault and you blow up and say things that are not nice. Maybe if you had waited the person would apologise when they realised they were wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caleb,
    This is a very thoughtful reflection about having all the information before you respond to other people. It is something we can all work on, teachers included. You identified the Socrates idea correctly: asking 'why' questions can help us find the sources of our feelings and thoughts. Tau Kē


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