
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

carrr brim brim





I arrive on time to class.

I bring all my equipment to class including my pencil case, books and charged device.  

  • I have a positive attitude. 

  • I bring my P.E gear on days when I have P.E or sport. 

  • I complete work to the best of my abilities. 

  • I set high goals for my learning. 

  • I ask for feedback to improve my work.

  • I don’t settle for the easy pass, I put in the effort. 

  • I try new things, even when Im not sure I will succeed. 

  • I treat mistakes as an opportunity to improve.  

  • I accept feedback and use it to improve. 

  • I ask for help when I get stuck. 

  • I look after the equipment in the classroom. 

  • I don’t distract others from their learning. 

  • I use a murmur voice when I am working. 

  • I listen to the ideas that are shared in class, even if I don’t agree with them. 

what is it ????? 

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